
Slægten Reventlow:

Eugen Reventlow
(1798 - 1885)

Count Eugen Reventlow (1798-1885) and Count Theodor Reventlow (1801-1873) were the children of Danish diplomat and noble Cay Friedrich Reventlow. Eugen was appointed Secretary to the Danish Legation in St. Petersburg in 1823. He remained there until his brother Theodor assumed the position in 1828. As Eleanor Middleton succumbed to illness in 1827, her diary entries likely refer to the elder Reventlow. The portrait in the Album however may be of either brother. The bust-length portrait presents Count Reventlow facing partly left, eyes looking forward, against a background of grey clouds. The young man wears a blue-black coat with gold buttons, a beige waistcoat, and a white shirt with a black cravat.

Andre slægter:

Otte Thott
(1703 - 1785)

Slotte og Herregårde




Spejlmonogram for Lucie-Marie Reventlow. (1910)

Gravsten og epitafier

Jens Bruun de Neergaard &
Anna Maria Neergaard f. Møller
Jens Bruun de Neergaard & Anna Maria Neergaard f. Møller


Gerda Ahle

Gerda Ahle

Kvinde 1923 - 2021  (97 år)

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Gerda Ahle

Kvinde 1923-2021