
Slægten Reventlow:

Lucie-Marie Ludovika Anastasia Adelheid Karola Hedevig Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow
(1884 - 1984)

Andre slægter:

Anna Walstorp
(1505 - 1583)

Slotte og Herregårde

Gammel Estrup
Gammel Estrup


Kirkestol Lebrade Kirke
Kirkestol Lebrade Kirke

Kirkestol, Lebrade Kirke Detlev Reventlow og Marie Elisabeth v Buchwald

Gravsten og epitafier

Reventlow chapel in St. Katharinen, Lübeck
Reventlow chapel in St. Katharinen, Lübeck

burial place of Claus Reventlow (1693-1759) and his wife Charlotte Dorothea nee von Plessen (+ 1789). The marble sarcophagus is the work of Simon Carl Stanley

Familie: Nicholas (Brana) Hohenzollern / Joanna Dumitrescu-Tohan (F31627)

g. 1931

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