 1312 - 1377 (64 år)
Search using:
1314 - 1369 (55 år)
Fødsel |
26 jul. 1314 |
Valenciennes, , |
Død |
15 sep. 1369 |
Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England |
Far |
Willem I D`avesnes f. 1286 |
Mor |
Jeanne de Valois f. ca. 1294 |
Gift |
12 jun. 1305 |
Familie |
Edward III of Windsor Plantagenêt f. 15 dec. 1312, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England |
Gift |
17 feb. 1327 |
Navn |
Edward III of Windsor Plantagenêt |
Køn |
Mand |
Fødsel |
15 dec. 1312 |
Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England |
Titel |
Død |
24 jul. 1377 |
Richmond, Surrey, England, Sheen Palace |
Begravelse |
Westminster Abbey, London, England |
Notater |
Earl of Chester (1312 cr). Count of Ponthieu (1325 cr). Duke of Aquitaine (1325 cr). King of England (1327-1377). King Edward was styled as, *Rex Angliae, Dominus Hiberniae, et Dux Aquitaine,* until 1340 when he assumed the style, *Dei Gratia, Rex Angliae et Franciae at Dominus Hiberniae,* to emphasize his claim to the throne of France, through his mother Queen Isabel. Edward was declared Keeper of the Realm on October 26, 1326. Edward was crowned by Walter Reynolds, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edward founded the Order of the Garter in 1348. When Edward rebuilt Windsor Castle, construction was so extensive that chroniclers record that nobody else in England could employ a mason, at any cost. Edward spent 300 pounds on his wife Philippa`s tomb, making the monument one of the most expensive inthe Abbey. Edward`s tomb in Westminster Abbey originally featured carvings of his children (some of which are still there). Some art historians have called Edward`s effigy t
prince of Wales, earl of Chester, king of England (1. februar 1327-1377), suzerain de l'Écosse (1327-1328), duc de Guyenne
(Edward Plantagenêt)
Person-ID |
I1152 |
Reventlow |
Sidst ændret |
25 jan. 2015 |
Familie |
Philippa D`avesnes f. 26 jul. 1314, Valenciennes, ,  d. 15 sep. 1369, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England (Alder 55 år) |
Ægteskab |
17 feb. 1327 |
Alder ved vielsen |
Han: 14 år og 2 måneder - Hun: 12 år og 7 måneder. |
Familie-ID |
F28363 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Sidst ændret |
25 jan. 2015 |
Begivenhedskort |
 | Fødsel - 15 dec. 1312 - Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England |
 | Død - 24 jul. 1377 - Richmond, Surrey, England, Sheen Palace |
 | Begravelse - - Westminster Abbey, London, England |