 - eft. 1862
Search using:
1811 - 1858 (47 år)
Fødsel |
1811 |
Død |
22 maj 1858 |
On Board the Royal Mail Steamer Emeu, , |
Far |
Charles Fenwick f. 1775, Helsingør, Danmark |
Mor |
Susanna Johanne Berner f. 11 feb. 1788, Helsingør, Danmark |
Gift |
8 feb. 1806 |
Helsingør, Danmark |
Familie |
Edward Bell |
Gift |
1844 |
Navn |
Edward Bell |
Køn |
Mand |
Død |
eft. jul. 1862 |
Notater |
Email 2009/9/23 from Judith L Pettit
I have been doing some research on the Fenwicks, and have found the death and full name of Susanna Fenwick, married to Edward Bell.
The following is the death for Susanna (note the full name)
1858, on the 22nd ult. on board the Royal Mail steamer Emeu, Susanna Elizabeth Hester, the wife of Edward Bell, Esq., late Immigration Agent for Victoria ( The Argus (Melbourne, Vic: 1848-1954 Monday7 June 1858, page 5)
and I have found that Edward Bell did not die in 1850. I have found the following:
1855 New Appointments.-Tho following new appointments were gazetted yesterday :
Edward Bell, Esq., to be Immigration Agent for the colony of Victoria (The Argus (Melbourne, Vic: 1848-1954 Saturday 28 July 1855 p5)
1857 resigned as Immigration Agent (the Argus Melbourne)
Your committee find
That this officer was eight years in the service of the Government of Victoria;
That in 1854 he was appointed immigration agent in Melbourne, at a salary of £1,000 year;
That in 1857 he resigned this appointment in order to accept the appointment of secretary to the emigration agency proposed to be established in London, a bill for this purpose having passed the Legislative Assembly.
That he proceeded to London, and reported himself to the agent-general there.
That he subsequently learned that the bill having been thrown out in the Legislative Council his appointment, with the others, had been cancelled.
That he thereupon returned to the colony, and applied for re-appointment to successive Administrations, on the faith of a promise made to him in writing (and hereto appended) by the Commissioner of Customs (Mr. M'Culloch), who accepted his resignation.
That answers generally favourable were made to his applications, but that no office was offered to him ; and that he has received no pay since he resigned his appointment of immigration agent.
Your committee therefore consider that, under these circumstances, he is entitled to the sum of £650, being £500 for one year's salary, and £150 for travelling expenses. (The Argus (Melbourne, Vic: 1848-1954 Wednesday 2 July 1862 p7)
So it appears in the early years he was Aide-de-Camp for Charles LeTrobe and in latter years Immigration Agent for Victoria. I am still looking for his death.
Person-ID |
I11837 |
Reventlow |
Sidst ændret |
24 dec. 2017 |
Familie |
Susanna Hester Fenwick f. 1811 d. 22 maj 1858, On Board the Royal Mail Steamer Emeu, , (Alder 47 år) |
Ægteskab |
1844 |
Alder ved vielsen |
Han: ?? - Hun: ~ 33 år. |
Familie-ID |
F30085 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Sidst ændret |
25 jan. 2015 |