
Slægten Reventlow:

Claus Detlev Frederik Ferdinand Reventlow
(1928 - 2008)

Andre slægter:

Engelke Charlotte Falbe
(1771 - 1846)

af Jens Juel

Slotte og Herregårde



Vaabenskjold fra prædikestol i Hammel Kirke
Vaabenskjold fra prædikestol i Hammel Kirke

Gravsten og epitafier

Christiane Benedicte Reventlow
Christiane Benedicte Reventlow

Kisteplade, Horslunde Kirke

Curt Ulrich Heinrich Greve Haugwitz

Curt Ulrich Heinrich Greve Haugwitz

Mand 1816 - 1888  (72 år)

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    Curt Ulrich Heinrich Greve Haugwitz

  • Navn Curt Ulrich Heinrich Greve Haugwitz 
    Køn Mand 
    Fødsel 24 feb. 1816 
    Død 12 sep. 1888 

    • TITEL: Greve

      Ved allerhøjeste resolution af 1. okt. 1885 blev Curt Ulrich Heinrich greve Haugwitz i anledning af at hans hustru Lucie Caroline Amalie Adelheid Henriette Georgine Wilhelmine, født prinsesse af Schönaich-Carolath, havde tiltrådt besiddelsen af grevskabet Hardenberg-Reventlow, for sig og deres ægte agnatiske descendenter optaget i den danske grevestand under navnet Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow ogmed det forenede Haugwitz'ske og Hardenberg-Reventlow'ske våben.

      The last grant of the title of greve (count) (with the exception of the counts of Rosenborg) was to Curt Ulrich Graf von Haugwitz (German count and baron) as greve Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow October 1st 1885.

      The last non-royal to be granted a hereditary title was the German countly family of Haugwitz of which one member was created a Danish Count Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow upon succeeding to a Danish entailed countly estate (majorat) in 1886.


      In 1885 Christian IX granted the last Danish non-royal count's patent, to Curt Ulrich Heinrich von Haugwitz, who became Count Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow and whose wife, Princess Lucie Caroline Schönaich-Carolath, had inherited the Danish country of Hardenberg. This Danish estate had passed into these German families through her great grandmother Countess Juliane Frederikke Christiane Reventlow,who was the richest heiress in the Nordic countries in her day. In contradiction of public opinion she married a foreigner, the later famous Prussian reformer Count Karl August Hardenberg. But he wasoriginally a Hanoverian and at the time George III's Hanoverian minister in London. His marriage to the rich Countess Reventlow was dissolved amidst great scandal because she was having an affair withthe Prince Regent George (IV)! Equally noteworthy is probably Christian IX's comital grantee's grandchild Count Curt Heinrich Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow, the abusive husband of "the poor little rich girl" Barbara Woolworth Hutton, the Woolworth heiress.
    Person-ID I12786  Reventlow
    Sidst ændret 5 mar. 2024 

    Familie AnerPrinsesse Lucie Caroline Amalie Adelheid Henriette Georgine Wilhelmine Schönaich-Carolath
              f. 18 sep. 1822, Zamek Carolath (før: Carolath), Siedlisko, Niederschlesien, Polen Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
              d. 30 apr. 1903, Krenkerup, Radsted Sogn, Musse Herred, Maribo Amt, Danmark Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 80 år) 
    Ægteskab 1843 
    Alder ved vielsen Han: ~ 26 år og 10 måneder - Hun: ~ 20 år og 3 måneder. 
    Børn 4 sons and 1 daughter 
    Familie-ID F33036  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 25 jan. 2015