1353 - 1412 (59 år)
Navn |
Margrethe 1, Dronning af Danmark |
Fødsel |
1353 |
Søborg Slot, Gilleleje, Danmark |
Køn |
Kvinde |
Død |
3 dec. 1412 |
Flensborg Fjord, Danmark |
Begravelse |
Roskilde Domkirke, Sømme Herred, Roskilde Amt, Danmark |
Notater |
- She was the youngest daughter of King Valdemar IV of Danmark. At the age of ten she was married to King Håkon VI of Norway, son of Magnus II of Sweden and Norway. Their son Olaf, born in 1370, was elected King Olaf II of Danmark in 1375 at the death of Margrethe's father, with her as regent. After her husband's death shortly after her son also became Olaf IV of Norway. After Olaf's death in 1387 the Estates in Danmark elected her as Full-mighty Husband and Mistress for life. The following year she became regent of Norway. In 1388 the Swedish nobility dethroned their king Albrecht of Mecklenburg, and elected Margrethe as their reigning Queen instead. She chose her sister's daughter's son Erik of Pommerania as her successor, who beacme king in 1389, but Margrethe remained the real ruler. She founded the union of Kalmer which in the case of Sweden would last until 1523, and with Norway until 1814. In 1410, Margrethe tried to reinstate Danish overlordship over Schleswig, which caused a war with the Counts in Holstein. She traveled to the conflict area, and died there in 1412. She lived (1353-1412).
Person-ID |
I1496 |
Reventlow |
Sidst ændret |
20 sep. 2023 |
Familie |
Håkon VI af Norge, f. 1340 d. 1380 (Alder 40 år) |
Ægteskab |
9 apr. 1363 |
Københavns Domkirke (Vor Frue Kirke), København, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Danmark |
Børn |
| 1. Oluf 3, Konge af Danmark, f. dec. 1370, Oslo (Christiania), Norge d. 4 sep. 1387, Falsterbo Slot, Skåne, (Alder 16 år) |
Familie-ID |
F26776 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Sidst ændret |
17 apr. 2021 |
Begivenhedskort |
 | Fødsel - 1353 - Søborg Slot, Gilleleje, Danmark |
 | Ægteskab - 9 apr. 1363 - Københavns Domkirke (Vor Frue Kirke), København, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Danmark |
 | Død - 3 dec. 1412 - Flensborg Fjord, Danmark |
 | Begravelse - - Roskilde Domkirke, Sømme Herred, Roskilde Amt, Danmark |
Kort forklaring |
: Adresse
: Beliggenhed
: By
: Sogn
: Amt/Region
: Land
: Ikke indstillet |