
Slægten Reventlow:

Frederikke Louise Reventlow
(1746 - 1824)

* 1761 m. Christian Frederik von Gram (1737-1768)~~* 1777 m. Christian Stolberg (1748-1821)

Andre slægter:

Charitas Emilie von Buchwald
(1738 - 1820)

Slotte og Herregårde



Alliancevaaben Reventlow & Negendank
Alliancevaaben Reventlow & Negendank

Der Deckel schmückt ein Familienwappen, der Mecklenburger Adelsfamilie von Negendank und derer von Reventlow.

Gravsten og epitafier

Charlotte Johanne Christiane Hildeborg Reventlow
Charlotte Johanne Christiane Hildeborg Reventlow

Herunder hviler det forgjængelige af CHARLOTTE HANNE CHRISTIANE HILDEBORG REVENTLOW født d 20. marts 1835 gjenforenet den 6. juni 1854 med hendes fader Greve Conrad Reventlow og med hendes d. 17 april 1853 forudgangne eneste Søster Anny efterladende sig sin sørgende Moder
Salige ere de rene af hjertet thi de skulle see Gud
Reen af Hjertet var du elskelige Lotte thi en Engels var din Vandring hernede til en Engel fuldførte du den.
Kjærlighed varer evig Efter disse dine sidste trøstende Ord til Din moder svang din herlige efter Jesu velsignelse stræbende Aand sig op til din Gud og Frelser hjemme i Englenes Boliger

Barbara Woolworth - Hutton

Barbara Woolworth - Hutton

Kvinde 1912 - 1979  (66 år)

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  • Navn Barbara Woolworth - Hutton 
    Køn Kvinde 
    Fødsel 14 nov. 1912 
    Død 11 maj 1979 

    • Barbara Hutton, America's most famous heiress - a 'poor little rich girl' doomed to failure and tragedy. PhilipVan Rensselaer dramatically re-creates the events of her life in a book that captures theextravagance and glamour of the international jet set. Barbara Hutton's extravagance was fabled.

      Her parties, clothes, jewelry and furs - all flaunted during the Depression years - made her the envy of women around the world. Her romances with royalty and celebrities were frequent, headline-making, and more often than not, disastrous.

      Though she was married to a handsome Russian prince, a dazzling Danish count, and to the most sought-after actor in the world - Cary Grant - Barbara Hutton was a vulnerable woman, haunted by loneliness. Descended from robber barons, Barbara Hutton's grandfather Frank Woolworth left her an astonishing legacy of twenty-five million dollars and a Fifth Avenue palace.

      She casually acquired a stately English mansion, into which she poured a fortune for renovations, a palace on the Grand Canal in Venice, a castle in Tangier, and a Japanese-style home in Mexico. She surrounded herself with liveried servants and a host of hangers-on, who benefited from her generosity. Despite her opulent surroundings, Barbara's life was not the stuff of fairy tales. Her mother committed suicide and her businessman father was cold and indifferent.

      At the age of sixteen, she got her first glimpse of European high life in Biarritz, where she met Elsa Maxwell, and where her money attracted the first in a series of fortune hunters, who played uponher vulnerability and bled her white, while invariably falling in love with her. Barbara Hutton's story gives the reader a breathtaking picture of a life that was glamorous on the surface but essentially tragic.
    Person-ID I15493  Reventlow
    Sidst ændret 25 jan. 2015 

    Familie AnerCurt Heinrich Eberhard Erdmann Georg Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow
              f. 28 sep. 1895  
              d. 13 aug. 1969, New York, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 73 år) 
      Other partners: Margaret Astor Drayton (m. 1942) 
     1. Greve Lance Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow
              f. 24 feb. 1936, England Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
              d. 24 jul. 1972, Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 36 år)
    Familie-ID F32481  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 25 jan. 2015 

  • Begivenhedskort
    Link til Google MapsBarn - Greve Lance Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow - 24 feb. 1936 - England Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth 

  • Billeder 4 Billeder