1594 - 1660 (66 år)
Navn |
Ove Giedde |
Fødsel |
17 dec. 1594 |
Tomarps Kungsgård, Skåne, Sverige |
Køn |
Mand |
Død |
19 dec. 1660 |
København, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Danmark |
Begravelse |
Roskilde Domkirke, Sømme Herred, Roskilde Amt, Danmark |
Notater |
Olai Ovenstad: Militærbiografier. Norske hæroffic. 1628-1814. 1948
Første kommandant på Akershus
Ove Giedde var en framstående man. Sedan Dansk Ostindisk Compagni bildats 1616, ledde han endast 24 år gammal en expedition med fem fartyg, som Christian IV 1618 sände ut för att upprätta handelsförbindelser med Ostindien. Efter ett besök på Ceylon anlände flottan 1620 till Indiens sydöstkust. Här förhandlade Giedde med den tamilske fursten i Tanjore och kunde på Christian IV:s vägnar sluta avtalom handelsrättigheter och övertagande av en liten fiske- och handelsplats. Detta blev inledningen till 225 års innehav av Trankebar, som var Danmarks första utomeuropeiska besittning. 1620 påbörjadesdtillfångatogs av svenskarna under kriget 1658 och avled samma år som Tomarp övergick i svensk ägo. På honom syftar ett i Skåne förr välkänt ordstäv, som omtalas i Gustaf Ljunggrens "Skånska Herregårdar": "det är ude med Ove Giedde". Det går tillbaka till berättelsen om en bonde, som sett Ove Giedde i sina galonerade kläder sitta och äta sallad och som vid hemkomsten berättat: "nu är det ude med Ove Giedde, han äder gräs og stopper sine kläder med halm".
Danmark had 3 major colonies:
*The Koromandel Coast in India with trade stations in the Bengal, Java, Borneo and Celebes.
*The Guinea Coast (200 kilometres of it!) in West Africa.
*The Virgin Islands (3 islands) in the Caribbean Sea in America.
Beside trading posts and colonies, Danmark had a trading post in Canton in China, just like the big-
ger colonial powers.
The triangle Danmark-Africa-West Indies created many fortunes in Copenhagen as well as did the silk route from China
It all started in 1618, when the Danish King Christian the 4th equipped a fleet that should sail to In-
dia and establish a Danish trading post on the way to China. The commander was Ove Giedde, a 24
years old nobleman, and the fleet consisted of 2 naval ships ELEFANTEN ("The Elephant") and
DAVID and two merchant ships KIØBENHAVN ("Copenhagen") and CHRISTIAN. In March
1618 the first ship, the yacht ØRESUND ("The Sound") commanded by the Dutchman Roland
Crappe, left Copenhagen, and shortly after that the main fleet set sail.
At the same time another explorer, commander Jens Munk, got the kings permission to try to find a
passage north of the Americas to China, and he left 19th of May same year with two naval vessels,
the frigate ENHIØRNINGEN ("The Unicorn") and the yacht LAMPRENEN ("The Lamprey"). His mission failed, and he returned with only two survivors two years later.
The Indian fleet had lots of problems. A mutiny in January 1619 in the Channel. On 19th
of February the fleet took 2 pirate ships at Cap Verde and included them in the fleet. At the same time, the
chief merchant, a Dutchman named Boshouwer was exposed as a fraud. By the time the fleet got to
South Africa over 200 men had been lost and during the next 9 months, when the fleet sailed along
the African east coast to India, another 100 men died.
Ove Gjedde, the commander, got a part of the coastline Trinquemale on Ceylon from the King of
Candy on 21st of August 1620. This was not a nice piece of land, so eventually he went to the
Coromandel Coast in the Tanjore Province, where his second in command Roland Crappe had been
awarded some land of his old friend the Naik at a place called Tarangambadi. European name was
Trankebar. On the 16th of October that year the first customs pay 16 thaler was paid to the Dan-
ish authority. Danmark kept the "colony" for 200 years.
Person-ID |
I5919 |
Reventlow | Ancestor to Christian Ditlev Reventlow |
Sidst ændret |
25 jan. 2015 |
Far |
Brostrup Giedde, f. ca. 1560, Tomarps Kungsgård, Skåne, Sverige d. 18 maj 1614, Viborg, Nørlyng Herred, Viborg Amt, Danmark (Alder 54 år) |
Mor |
Dorthe Ulfeldt, f. ca. 1564 d. 4 jun. 1600 (Alder 36 år) |
Ægteskab |
31 okt. 1585 |
Roskilde Domkirke, Sømme Herred, Roskilde Amt, Danmark |
Familie-ID |
F33070 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Familie |
Dorthe Knudsdatter Urne, f. 19 jul. 1600, Halsted kloster (tidl. Juellinge), Halsted, Lollands Nørre Herred, Maribo Amt, Danmark d. 6 jul. 1667 (Alder 66 år) |
Ægteskab |
1 sep. 1622 |
Kronborg Slot, Helsingør, Danmark |
Børn |
+ | 1. Dorthe Gjedde, f. 23 mar. 1625, Kronborg Slot, Helsingør, Danmark  |
+ | 2. Margrethe Ovesdatter Gjedde, f. 1637 d. 18 jan. 1706, København, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Danmark (Alder 69 år) |
+ | 3. Frederik Eiler Gjedde, f. 1641, Kronborg Slot, Helsingør, Danmark d. 13 apr. 1717, Odense, Odense Herred, Odense Amt, Danmark (Alder 76 år) |
Familie-ID |
F27990 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Sidst ændret |
25 jan. 2015 |
Begivenhedskort |
 | Fødsel - 17 dec. 1594 - Tomarps Kungsgård, Skåne, Sverige |
 | Ægteskab - 1 sep. 1622 - Kronborg Slot, Helsingør, Danmark |
 | Død - 19 dec. 1660 - København, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Danmark |
 | Begravelse - - Roskilde Domkirke, Sømme Herred, Roskilde Amt, Danmark |
Kort forklaring |
: Adresse
: Beliggenhed
: By
: Sogn
: Amt/Region
: Land
: Ikke indstillet |
2 Billeder |