
Slægten Reventlow:

Arthur Christian Detlev Ludvig Eugenius Reventlow
(1817 - 1878)

* 1850 m. Georgine A. E, von Ahlefeldt (1828-1902)

Andre slægter:

Henriette Auguste Luise von Helldorff
(1840 - 1916)

Beskrivelse fra Sothebys auktioner 2022 PATEK PHILIPPE QUARTER REPEATING POCKET WATCH Patek Philippe 18k gold and miniature enamel quarter repeating key wind and key set pocket watch, made in 1850 sold in 1852 History. Beauty. Rarity. Intrigue. Not to mention a minute repeater with miniature enamel and engraving! First, the history: this watch belonged to Henriette Auguste Luise von Heimbruch, born von Helldorff. Born to a noble family in 1840 in Lower Saxony, she was in the inner circle of European royalty and said to be celebrated for her beauty and elegance. Based on genealogical records, she was “lady-in-waiting to Princess Mary and was appointed by George V in 1866 as Honorary State Lady with the rank corresponding to this position” Nicknamed Lonny, she was married to Karl Johann Christian von Heimbruch and this mid-19th century power couple became part of the inner circle of the Hanoverian royal family. She died in May 1916. In terms of beauty, this was appropriately matched to its owner. The case back is hand engraved in a vermicelli pattern with an exquisite miniature enamel painting of a horse in the center, presumably a horse very dear to Lonny. The elegance of the watch preserved with its original box from 1852 can not be overstated. In terms of horological rarity, this watch has multiple features that make it befitting of its royal provenance. The fact that is an early quarter repeater from Patek Philippe first and foremost is exciting for those in the know. Consider the dial and movement is signed Patek & Cie which is typical for the era for a watch made in 1850, and then consider that on January 1, 1851 the company’s name was changed from Patek & Cie to Patek, Philippe & Cie. When this watch was sold in early 1852, it was supplied with a case signed ‘Patek, Philippe & Cie” In short, this is one of the first true ‘Patek Philippe’ watches and in all likelihood it was personally handled by both Antoni Patek and Adrien Philippe. The fact that this important watch was sold (or gifted) to noblewoman of elegance and taste is no surprise. Remember it was in 1851 that Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom literally bought herself a Patek Philippe and another for her husband Prince Albert. Just a few years later in 1868, Patek Philippe made the first true Swiss bracelet watch for the Hungarian Countess Koscowicz. Patek Philippe was committed to catering to and selling to the ladies high end market from its earliest days. So now a new owner has the chance to own a piece of Lonny’s legacy, a watch of beauty, complication and rarity that allows you to own a true museum watch.

Slotte og Herregårde


Krenkerup er en gammel hovedgård, som nævnes første gang i 1330. Krenkerup har siden 1739 været ejet af
efterkommere efter General Christian Detlev lensgreve Reventlow og hustru Benedicte Margrethe Brockdorff
Krenkerup blev kaldt Hardenberg fra 1815 til 1938. Gården ligger i Radsted Sogn, Musse Herred, Maribo Amt,
Guldborgsund Kommune. Hovedbygningen er opført i 1490-1510 og ombygget i 1620-1631-1689-1780-1815. Krenkerup
Gods er på 3700 ha med Sæbyholm, Idalund, Rosenlund, Nørregård, Nielstrup (Guldborgsund Kommune) og



Spejlmonogram for Lucie-Marie Reventlow. (1910)

Gravsten og epitafier

Christian Ditlev Frederik Reventlow
Christian Ditlev Frederik Reventlow

Inskription på gravstenen på Horslunde Kirkegård.
Herunder hviler det, som tilhører Jorden af Christian Ditlev Frederik, Greve af Reventlow, født 11. Marts 1748, død 11. Oktober 1827.
Levende følte han sin Svaghed og sine Mangler, men Gud styrkede ham og gav ham Helbred, Kraft og godt Mod til med Troskab, Iver og Held at tjene Konge og Fædreland, og til i en Række af Aar, understøttet af mange ædle Medarbejdere, at udrette meget til Guds Alre og Danmarks Tarv.
I 48 Aar var han lykkelig gift med F. L. S. C. von Beulwitz, der var gudfrygtig, fornuftig og blid.
Deres Ægteskab velsignedes med 12 Børn, af hvilke 9 overlevede dem. - De elskede Gud og Menneskene, de hadede ingen. Levede og døde i Haabet om en glad Opstandelse ved Jesus Christus vor Frelser. — Du ogsaa, som læser dette, aager med det Pund, Gud betror dig, og giv Gud Æren.
De ovenfor staaende af den hensovede nedskrevne Ord forefandtes efter hans Død.
Velsignet være Fader dit Minde! Fulgt være dit Eksempel!

